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3 Exercises to Improve Your Log Press


At first glance, it may seem like the Log Press is a straight forward overhead pressing movement. After attempting it for the first time you might realize that it's a very technical event. Before you focus on exercises to help improve your press, make sure you dial down your technique. Brute strength won't overcome bad form past a certain point.

If you need a coach to give you form critiques, click here!

With that said, let's talk about 3 Exercises to Improve your Log Press!

Exercise #1 - Using Power Movements as a Primer

Exercises such as an overhead medicine ball toss or power pushup can help prime your body to be as explosive as possible!

These priming exercises increase the recruitment of more muscle fibers and central nervous system activity that you can use during your pressing workout. This not only helps you create explosive movement patterns, but can also help build overall muscle growth in your workout. More muscle fibers available for use = more muscle growth.

They are easy to add to the end of your warm up routine. Be intentional with your form and keep the rep range low.

Exercise #2 - Swiss Bar Bench Press

Any variation of bench press (incline/floor press/flat bench) can help your pressing strength. The Swiss Bar is recommended to get your body adapted to the same neutral grip as the log. Although your pecs are not the prime mover in an overhead press, you want to keep well-rounded upper body strength for adequate shoulder health. The neutral grip of the swiss bar is easier on the shoulder compared to a standard barbell bench press- great for a "two birds one stone" thought process as you alleviate shoulder pain while also building up your log press.

Because the Swiss Bar focuses on building strong triceps, the movement translates well to an overhead press- where your anterior delts and triceps are the main muscles used.

"The Swiss bar helps develop the strength in your triceps to lockout any big weight. The neutral handles on the bar stress the triceps to a great degree, giving extra work to the muscles that are needed to press big weights." – EliteFTS

Exercise #3 - Be King of the Tricep Exercises

Emphasizing strong triceps are going to be one of the most important practices to add in your journey to building a big press.

There are several exercises that will work to strengthen your triceps. Dips, tricep push downs, and skull crushers are great examples of tricep exercises to add to your log press workouts. Hammer your triceps with high volume at the end of the workout to build the size of the muscle as well as the strength. This forces blood to the muscles and tendons to promote a faster and more efficient recovery.

If you need more guidance in your strongman training and programming, we have a handful of coaches at Iron Legacy Barbell that can push you to the next level of strength.

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