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Iron Legacy Barbell Member Spotlight: DANIEL PRYDE


The ILB Team have taken note of exceptional members and want to highlight their work ethic and sportsmanship towards others. Each member spotlight will showcase a member who exemplifies everything we look to promote as a team at Iron Legacy. Someone who embodies what it means be committed to an environment of strength and fortitude: lighting the way for future athletes.

Daniel has been a member of ILB since June of 2023 and has since made a noteworthy impact.

His main goal when lifting is to get stronger, both mentally and physically, with each workout. With Cystic Fibrosis, Daniel's goal is to "continue to fight by staying strong and getting stronger."

Not only is he dedicated to staying fit, but he is dedicated to improving in the sport of strongman. His last competition qualified him to compete at the national level alongside teammates at ILB in June of 2024. We have watched him make huge improvements in his athletic performance as an ILB athlete, and we are excited to watch him walk away from Nationals with success!

When we asked Daniel what his main goals are in his sport, he responded:

"Obviously to be worlds strongest man. On a more realistic note I want to show people, like me, with CF and other chronic illnesses that you can improve your health and life with weight lifting. I want to be the example of what can be accomplished with with a good attitude and outstanding work ethic."

Daniel's attitude and strong character are a vital part of the ILB community!

"The community. The people at ILB are dedicated and focused on achieving their goals. Yes, visiting and chit chatting occur, but on the whole the focus is getting stronger and achieving the highest level in their respective sports that they can."

Do you want to nominate someone to be mentioned in a member spotlight? Email or DM us on Instagram!

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